CCA Ranching Legacy Program

The Colorado Ranching Legacy Program is a cooperative endeavor between Colorado State University and the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association, designed to give beginning ranchers fundamental skills in range livestock production and ranch management. 

Program Layout Upcoming Events

Program Layout

The CCA Ranching Legacy Program will run through the Beef Systems Academy and will be made of three main features as a part of CCA's effort in providing education to Colorado's beef producers: Certificate Program, Leadership Program, and Ranch Gatherings.

The Beef Systems Academy is a partnership between the Colorado Beef Council, the Colorado Cattlemen's Association, the Colorado Livestock Association, and Colorado State University. The goal of the academy is to bring educational opportunity to cattle producers throughout the year. 


Certificate Program

The Certificate Program is an organized, educational program that will require participants to attend educational events over the course of two years with the opportunity to maintain engagement with CCA and its affiliates.

  • Symposiums: The program will require attendance of two symposiums over two years. These symposiums will mostly take place at CCA's Annual Convention each summer. Click here to view the 2020 Ranching Legacy Symposium (Passcode:1*hxN?G4). 
  • Lectureships: The program will require attendance of four lectureships over two years. These lectureships will be held variably around the state and cover many topics such as genetics, range management, herd health, etc. It will be up to the participant to decide which lectureships will be most beneficial to their time in the program.
*Lectureships are still to be determined, but there will be about four throughout the year.*
  • Regional Engagement: The program will encourage personal engagement from participants through attendance at local events with CCA's affiliates, including, but not limited to, the Ranch Gatherings.
  • Policy Introduction: The program will encourage involvement with agriculture in policy through visits to the Denver Capitol, opportunities to attend Regional Policy Meetings, etc.



Leadership Program

The Leadership Program will extend from the Certificate Program for participants who are interested in pursuing further leadership within CCA and more in-depth, experiential educational opportunities.

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Ranching Legacy Leadership Program! For more information about the program, including candidate expectations and a program outline, click here. Letters of interest can be submitted to the CCA office. 


Ranch Gatherings

Ranch Gatherings will provide local gatherings on a CCA member's ranch to provide educational and networking opportunities to the surrounding communities and participants of the Ranching Legacy Program.

To read more about CCA's Ranch Gatherings, click here.


Upcoming Events

Beef University - a lectureship of the Ranching Legacy Program! Colorado Cattlemen's Association and Colorado State University revitalized the Ranching Legacy Program and have been providing exclusive educational opportunities. Beef University will be August 6 and 7th in Fort Collins on the CSU Campus. 

Global Food Innovation Center - Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO

DAY 1 - AUGUST 6th
9:00 AM Welcome to CSU
9:15 AM Animal Disease Presentation - Dr. Frank Garry
10:45 AM Animal Growth & Development: Impact on Nutrition, Health, Etc. - Dr. Jennifer Martin
11:45 AM Lunch
1:15 PM Consumer Perception in the Meat Industry - Dr. Jennifer Martin
2:15 PM Sensory Demonstration
3:30 PM Break
4:00 PM Industry Panel
5:00 PM Networking Happy Hour

DAY 2 - AUGUST 7th
8:30 AM Welcome to Day 2
8:45 AM Comments from Dr. Patrick Doyle
9:00 AM Meat Processing Options - Dr. Jennifer Martin
10:00 AM Exploring New Markets / Support for the Beef Supply Chain - Dave Carter, Flowerhill Institute
11:00 AM Carcass Fabrication Demonstration - Dr. John Scanga
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Tour of the Global Food Innovation Center - Dr. Jennifer Martin
2:30 PM Program Concludes

Click here to RSVP


Sarah Dideriksen

Contact for information on:

  • Joining the Ranching Legacy Program
  • Upcoming RLP Events