CCA's 2025 Mid-Winter Conference


 CCA's 2025 Mid-Winter Conference (January)

This year's event leveraged CCA's active membership as participants and collaborators convened to address the challenges and prospects facing the industry.  The event was characterized by active participation from members, in-depth policy discussions, recognition of outstanding achievements, and the opportunity to reconnect with new and familiar friends from various parts of the state. Attendees also had the opportunity to network with Colorado’s legislators during CCA’s Legislative Panel, Legislative Reception, and 1867 Banquet. 

 The event started on Monday with meetings amongst leadership and members, including board meetings and a Succession Planning Workshop with the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust. The Colorado CattleWomen held their membership and board meetings as well. The first round of CCA’s Steering Committee meetings kicked off on Monday afternoon. The day concluded with a social hour at the President’s Reception, where members had the opportunity to network with industry stakeholders and fellow producers. On Tuesday, members gathered for a productive day by continuing discussions in CCA’s remaining steering committee meetings. Not only do these meetings provide critical updates, but also establish the organization’s policies and stance on a wide range of legislative and regulatory topics that impact Colorado’s beef industry.

 Following the committee meetings, CCA held its Awards Lunch, where the association recognized some of Colorado’s finest and brightest from our industry, honoring their service and dedication.  After lunch, CCA hosted its mid-year business session, where three CCA board directives were presented to the membership. Following the CCA business session, CCA hosted a legislative panel onsite that gave producers a unique opportunity to have a pointed dialog with Colorado legislators.

 That evening, CCA held its Legislative Reception and 1867 Banquet, where members and legislators had the opportunity to continue discussing ag-related issues while building a more personal relationship through discussing issues of mutual importance. “CCA is a grassroots, member-driven organization representing the interests of cattle ranching families throughout the state. While our primary focus relates to the beef industry, CCA is also interested in all issues dealing with private property rights, natural resources, and economic viability. We appreciate that the evening activities generated many beneficial conversations between CCA members and legislators,” said Tom Harrington, CCA President. 

 The evening ended with additional award presentations, including Colorado CattleWomen naming their prestigious annual award winners. The Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation also recognized and celebrated two Endowment Trust inductees, the late Tim Lehmann and late Terry Fankhauser. This successful event would not have been possible with us out the involvement of members, industry stakeholders, and sponsors. CCA appreciates everyone who attended this year’s Mid-Winter Conference to participate in the grassroots policy process, which is critical to ensuring agriculture's success in Colorado for many years to come.

We look forward to gathering again this summer at our 2025 Annual Convention in Steamboat Springs from June 23-25th!


Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Endowment Trust
The Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Endowment Trust began in 1959 to help secure a financial future for the association and today, it continues with this mission.  One form of support to the Endowment Trust is through contributions made in memory of a family member or friend. This has provided many with a way to help the Endowment Trust and remember those who have been a part of the beef cattle industry. This year, the late Tim Lehmann and the late Terry Fankhauser were honored as inductees of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Endowment Trust.

 Outstanding Commercial Producer of the Year
The 2024 Outstanding Commercial Producer of the Year is presented to Meyring Livestock Company outside of Walden is owned and operated by Danny and Lucy Meyring. Danny is the fifth generation of his family to live and ranch in North Park and Danny and Lucy pride themselves on not only carrying on legacy and tradition, but keeping up with the genetics and marketing of today. Meyring Livestock Company has long been known for raising quality feeder cattle that perform well in the feedlot and hanging on the rail. Due to the high elevation of their home place and summer country, the Meyrings decided to start raising their own herd bulls to ensure proven genetics, especially related to PAP scores. Their cow herd is predominantly Angus cattle, but they have utilized different genetics through Hereford and Composite bulls to develop high performance replacement heifers and steers. In addition to maintaining their operation, Danny and Lucy have served on local, state, and national cattlemen's associations and given back to their community. 


Outstanding Seedstock Producer of the Year
The 2024 CCA Outstanding Seedstock Producer of the Year is presented to Weaver Ranch, located near Fort Collins, a family owned and operated registered Angus seedstock business. Susan and Mourine Weaver have continued their father, Adrian's, legacy of raising quality cattle. The Weavers maintain detailed records and their family has been members of the American Angus Association since 1960. For their herd, Susan and Mourine look for and appreciate heifers out of tremendous cows that have stayed in the herd for a long time to capture productivity, performance, structural correctness, and docility. For their bulls, they select for lower birthweights acceptable for 1st calf heifers, actual PAP scores under 40, and bulls that are average or higher for Marbling and Rib Eye area. In February of this year, the Weavers will be having their 40th anniversary production sale. Susan and Mourine are active in various grassroots organizations and supported state FFA contest winners from Colorado and Wyoming. 


Brand Inspector of the Year
The 2024 Brand Inspector of the Year is presented to Josh Sinks. Josh is a brand inspector and supervisor for the West Central District. Josh has consistently provided the highest level of service to the industry for over 20 years. Josh has been professional and has shown the highest levels of integrity and common sense. Josh's expertise and commitment to the industry can be highlighted by how he solved a missing cattle case three years ago.  Persistence and diligence paid off when five months after the initial report, Josh picked up an irregularity at the sale barn and nearby feedlot and found the cattle were the previously mentioned missing livestock.


Law Officer of the Year
The 2024 Law Officer of the Year is presented to Deputy Sheriff Andrea Maxwell. Being the officer in charge of investigating and assisting with all agricultural and livestock crimes in Larimer County, Deputy Maxwell has been an integral part in helping Brand Inspectors in Larimer County over the past year on several occasions. She has gone above and beyond to ensure livestock producers are protected from theft and injury and played an instrumental role in bringing charges against suspects killing and wrongfully rebranding livestock.


CattleWoman of the Year
The 2024 CattleWomen of the Year is Penny McPherson. Penny grew up in Cheyenne County in Eastern Colorado where her family raised Hereford cattle and Bison. After retirement Penny moved to Canon City and became a member of Fremont County Cattlewomen in 2019. She currently serves as the treasurer and is always willing to participate in local and state functions. She has attended both Colorado Cattlewomen Region V and State CattleWomen Convention meetings. Penny has a long history of community involvement that includes being on the Board of Directors of the Friends of Royal Gorge Regional Museum.


 CattleWomen Rookie of the Year
The Colorado CattleWomen Rookie of the Year award is presented to La Plata County Cowbelles president, Kam Elliott. She has helped energize and modernize the La Plata County Cowbelles. Kam has brought new ideas to promote beef and increase the membership. While being president, Kam has been instrumental in the educational presentation at the Southwest Water Conservation District’s Water Festival at Fort Lewis College among many other activities. She has been a positive influence in every aspect of the beef industry, from parades, presenter, teaching young children about beef.


Top Individual Membership Recruiter 
Membership is critically important to CCA. We thank everyone who is a CCA member and those who help recruit on our behalf. Loy Cotten is the winner of the 2024 Individual Membership Recruiter Contest and the wonderful S01 Priefert Rancher chute. Congratulations Loy!


Affiliate Rate-of-Growth 
CCA’s Rate-of-Growth winner is given to the affiliate with the highest rate-of-growth averaged based on the size of the affiliate, retention of members, and new members recruited. The Affiliate with the highest rate-of-growth for 2024 is Larimer County Stockgrowers. 




Please contact Tatum Swink at [email protected], or at (303) 431-6422 for more information on opportunities to connect with CCA members and industry stakeholders as a sponsor for the event.


Tatum Swink

Contact for information on:

  • Mid-Winter Conference Tradeshow and Sponsorship
  • Conference Location/Details
Click here to contact Tatum.