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Annual ConventionEvery June, CCA members meet on either the East or West slope of Colorado for a week full of education, networking, committee meetings, and a lot of fun! Be on the lookout for details to come about next year's convention! 158th Colorado Cattlemen’s Association Annual Convention
Monday, June 23rd
7:00 a.m. Registration Opens
9:00 am: JCCA Activities
12:00 pm: Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Meeting
2:45 - 5:00 pm: 3rd Round of CCA Committee Meetings:
4:30 pm: Foundation Trustees Meeting
4:30 pm: Colorado State Board of Stock Inspection Meeting (immediately following Brand & Theft Committee meeting)
5:00 pm: Trade Show Welcome Reception
6:45 pm: CCA Past Presidents’ Dinner (by invitation)
Leopold Conservation Award Dinner (by invitation) (offsite)
Tuesday, June 24th
7:00 am: Registration and Trade Show Open
7:00 am: CCW Past Presidents Breakfast
7:00 am: “Grab & Stay” Networking Breakfast in the Trade Show
7:30 am: CCA Nominating Committee (Appointees and President only, of each Affiliate or his/her official designee)
8:00 am: CCA Credentials Committee (Appointees, only)- Meet at the Registration Desk
8:00 am: CCW Board of Directors Meeting
9:00 am: JCCA Activities (offsite)
9:30 am: 6th Annual Ranching Legacy Symposium
11:00 am: CCW General Membership Meeting (same room) 12:00 pm: Lunch in the Trade Show 1:00 pm: CCALT Board Meeting 2:30 pm: CCA Membership - Grassroots to Grass tops 5:00 - 10:00 pm: Banquet Wednesday, June 25th
8:00 a.m. CCA Beef and Business Breakfast
Nation's Oldest Cattlemen's Association Celebrates Another Successful Annual Convention
Colorado Cattlemen's Association (CCA) and Colorado Cattlewomen (CCW) wrapped up their Annual Convention in Steamboat Springs, Colorado with over 500 people in attendance throughout the event. We would like to thank all of our members, sponsors, vendors, and stakeholders for helping to make this a successful event! To view the recent news releases with highlights from this years annual convention, please head to the CCA Recent News under the "About" tab. We look forward to seeing you all this year in Colorado Springs!