Ranch Gatherings

Information on Ranch Gatherings Upcoming Ranch Gatherings Ranch Gathering Contact

In an effort to get more connected to CCA membership in their local communities, CCA will host ranch gatherings at different locations around the state to connect with those current and potential CCA members unable to attend state events. First and foremost, this is an educational and recruitment event for the Colorado Cattlemen's Association.

Our goal through these events, in addition to education and recruitment, is collaboration with a number of stakeholder organizations. If you are interested in hosting a Ranch Gathering, click here. This document will be a guide for all groups involved to ensure everyone is on the same page and lay out the expectations leading up to and during the event.

Typical structure of a Ranch Gathering:

  • Timing- should not start before 3 p.m. and needs to end by 7:30 p.m.
  • Educational event in the afternoon (Ranch demonstration or short workshop)
  • Welcome from host ranch, local affiliate & potentially host organizations
  • CSU research update and opportunities for engagement
  • Advancing the Legacy- CCA and the beef industry
  • CCA membership (engagement) pitch
  • Networking, dinner, sponsors
  • Parting message from ranch host

To learn more about Ranch Gatherings or to host one, click here.

Upcoming Ranch Gatherings

  September: 24th at the VanWinkle Ranch



Sarah Dideriksen

Contact for information on:

  • Hosting a Ranch Gathering
  • Upcoming Ranch Gathering Education/Locations/Details